Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rhonda Massengill Perception of Emily Dickinson Poems

Emily Dickinson is struggles throughout this poem with the decisions she has made. She knows that there is a heaven and a hell just like so many people today. She refers back to the times when she was in church with the communion services. She states "thy consecrated (sacred) bread to take And thine immortal wine" this is in reference to communion services that Baptist Churches take part in. I know this because I am Baptist and I know all about the communion services. The communion services are done to resemble what Christ had went through on the cross. The bread is his body and the wine represents the blood that Christ shed.

Emily also refers to how she was raised and how that it impacted her life. She was raised in a home with well educated people. We can conclude this by the fact that she wasn't able to talk unless with "prose" which refers to proper language. This had an impact on her life because she was constantly striving to say and do the right thing. I know ,with me, my parents taught me to not give up. Quitters never win anything in life. I am so thankful for this little
motto because when I want to give up I can't without feeling guilty.

Emily also talks about how death is a sure thing. That everyone is going to have to face death and we all have to make a decision. Emily states that "the soul selects her own society" and I have to agree with this statement. We are all born with the free will to chose how to live our life. How we live our life will determine where we will go when this life is over. Emily states that she believes in heaven and hell but she seems to be confused on how to know that you are on the right path. I think that many of us struggle with not knowing. Faith is when you believe in something even though you can't see it.

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