Monday, January 18, 2010

Rhonda Massengill Huckleberry Finn Journal

I really enjoyed the story once I got pass the first few chapters. I really felt as if the first eight chapters took to long. I know that the first few chapters help us to relate to Huck and realize why he went through what he went through. Huck was adopted by a woman named Miss Watson because Huck's dad was a drunk. He was not only a drunk but was mean to his son. Huck also learned that the only way to make it through life was to take advantage of other people. He was taught this through the action of his dad. His dad was a theft and stoled all that he had ever gotten in life. His lifestyle had soon found him out because the black man named Jim had found him dead.
Next I wanted to talk about some issues that the author addressed throughout this story and what I feel he felt about it. The first issue was the issue of religion or Christianity. I felt as if the author felt that Christianity was to hard for anyone to live by. I felt as if he had looked down on those that did believe in Christianity. Stated that nobody benefits by living a Christan life then those that a Christan tries to help. Then we have a brief mention of how he felt about foreigners. I think that the author didn't agree with the trade market. He had mentioned that a man should talk like a man and so forth. I felt as if he wasn't much for foreigners and felt as if they should stay where they belong. Then we have the issue of the rich man or the king. He felt as if the only way that people got ahead was by being dishonest. Through the authors way of thinking we can presume that he was a common person. That they author wasn't raised in a rich home and had to make an honest days work to make a living. Lastly we have the issue of slavery and how the author felt. Throughout this whole novel I never got the feeling that the author was against slavery. I felt that he felt it was okay and a means of life. The reason why I felt this was because they were going to free Jim not because it was the right thing to do but because he was already a free man. Miss Watson had died and she had freed Jim of all his slave duties.

1 comment:

  1. I think his comments on Christianity really have to deal with the hypocritical people he had seen. Slavery is very hypocritical if you think about it. If Christians believe that everyone one should be treated well and God loves us all, then how can some people be treated as slaves? I think he's just pointing out the hypocrisy that sometimes is more evident to a child than an adult.
