Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rhonda Massengill "Flight" by John Steinback

In the story named “Flight” by John Steinbeck the setting is based on an African American’s who are no longer slaves. In the beginning of the story you have a family that is suffering from personal tragedy. The dad in the home has died due to a rattlesnake bite. Mama Torres, the mom, is taking care of her three children on her own. Pepe is the oldest boy, Emilio is the second son, and then her daughter named Rosy. Pepe the oldest child is finally being tested his manhood. Pepe is a lazy child and has very little responsibility but the family has run out of medicine. The mom sends Pepe into the city to get some medicine and salt. While Pepe is in the city he encounters some problems with a white man. The white man is saying things to Pepe and it makes him mad. Before he knew it he had stabbed the white man. Pepe runs home and tells his mom about what had happened at the bar. His mom helps Pepe gather his belongings and sends him to the mountains to hide. The mother is filled with tears once her son leaves because she feels he will die in the words. While Pepe is in the mountain his horse is killed and he is wounded by a shot from the rifle. The rifle pierces his hand and causes massive swelling. Pepe has losted his knife and he uses things in the woods to cut his hand to relieve the swelling. Pepe is able to escape from the man that shots him but his terrible journey is not over. Pepe ends up dying due to an avalanche that falls on his head and kills him.

I really loved this story but I hated the way that it ended. I really was hoping it would have ended on a positive note. What I was hoping more than anything was that he would be reunited with his family. I also hated the fact that this poor woman has lost two of her family members after surviving the mistreatment of racism.

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